Alofau Elementary School Parents Computer Class Class
Fagaitua High School Parents Computer Class
Pavaiai Elementary School Parent Computer Class
PiCED - Parents Computer Class
Tafuna Elementary School Parents Computer Class
As ASPIRC closes another 4-weeks of parent computer trainings that were offered in April, participating parents were encouraged to continue to seek learning, at Certificate Presentations & Closing activities held the past three days. School administrators and ASPIRC’s program manager, Moe Masoe, stressed to parents the importance of using the knowledge they now possess to help their young children succeed in school and life. Most of these parents proudly shared their final projects with ASPIRC central office staff through email. These projects include excel spreadsheets displaying gain & loss data, powerpoint, i-movie, etc. etc. As usual, parents received their certificate of completion or participation at closing ceremonies held at each of the following locations: Alofau Elem, Fagaitua HS, Tafuna Elem, Pavaiai Elem, and its Central office at PiCED, Nuuuli.
The next parent computer training offered by ASPIRC will be in June for all locations. Registration starts on Monday, May 16th, with classes scheduled to start June 13th.